
Сообщения за март, 2018

Datarius Crypto Project

DATARIUS is a decentralized system which involves a blockchain and consists of several smart-contracts in the perimeter of the block chain and its own crypto currency, And the platform is a system product created by a consortium of the most powerful, competent, and experienced logistic companies and organizations all over the world. Datarius operate on the basis of peer to per (P2P), where transaction participants are private users, and not banking operating institutions. And Datarius project is a new social type cryptobank with transparent conditions, where it become the first financial institution capable of offering its customers a full range of financial services implemented within a decentralized system. The purpose of these project is to create a cryptobank of peer to peer (P2P) system that would make use of full potential of decentralized financial technology within the framework of cryptocurrency payment system to come reality in a life time. And to enable it work perfect w


The Live Pitch Investors app is available on the iOS App Store at time of writing. It connects an unaffiliated entrepreneur or project team who wants to sell a blockchain benchmark as a method of Capital Accumulation to a potential customer using this app. Potential customers may ask entrepreneurs or teams to submit their products and explain the benefits, costs, risks, and other related information through live streaming video. Simultaneously, other app users can watch and participate via text. This app does not support or recommend any entrepreneur or project team. Its function is to provide an easier way for the project team to connect with potential investors. The expansion of the project will see the major parts decentralized, and ultimately it is intended to move all projects into decentralized systems such as Ethereum and IPFS. The reason for this is to ensure that everyone can present their projects to the world and sell tokens for them, outside of our team’s even censorsh

BITRACE Dengan membangun FORMULA 1 City 3 Juta $ Reward

TENTANG KAMI INVESTASI BITRACE LTD adalah  perusahaan investasi Inggris yang berbasis di London, Inggris, yang merupakan anggota KJ Holdings Corp. Apakah ini? Perusahaan sedang dalam proses pengembangan proyek Racing City Racing Tunisia, proyek ini terdiri dari pembangunan kompleks olahraga terpadu termasuk Jalur Formula 1 yang dikelilingi oleh hotel kelas atas dan unit rekreasi: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) di Hammamet, Tunisia. INVESTMENT BITRACE LTD  telah berhasil menyelesaikan kesepakatan dengan BDSwiss Holding PLC, untuk mengizinkan para investornya (BITRACE Buyer) ke Trade Shares, Indexes, FOREX, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies with CFDs, menggunakan BITRACE Tokens. INVESTASI BITRACE LTD  juga telah berhasil menyelesaikan sebuah kesepakatan dengan Margarete’s Beauty di Toronto Kanada untuk mulai mempromosikan dan memasarkan LaBelle & LeBeau Beauty Salons di seluruh dunia untuk memungkinkan para investornya (BITRACE Buyers) membeli produk dan layanan Franc

SELFLLERY - Mempermudah Public Untuk Berbagi Konten Visual

Salam komunitas, dipostingan baru ini saya akan memperkenalkan tentang Proyek Selfllery dan berikut ini adalah Penjelasannya: Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, platform untuk berbagi konten visual mulai mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan, dengan mencatat gambar 1,2 triliun yang diambil pada tahun 2017, jumlah tersebut meningkat lebih dari 600 miliar pada tahun 2013. Dalam jumlah Foto yang akan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun membuat platform berbagi yang mulai memvisualisasikan konten visual. Tapi untuk jumlah itu, hanya sedikit yang mendapatkan uang untuk konten visual mereka, dan yang lainnya hanya berbagi konten tapi tidak mendapatkan keuntungan darinya. Kami telah melihat ini tidak rata dan mulai membangun platform bernama "SELFLLERY", Platform yang memungkinkan Pengguna memonetisasi Konten mereka, dan Platform yang akan mempermudah Public untuk berbagi konten visual. Tujuan kami adalah membuat Komunitas semudah dan semaksimal mungkin dalam berbagi konten visual dan menda

the internet facility is a very good platform for interaction

INTRODUCTION TIPPER PLATFORM For most people, the internet facility is a very good platform for interaction, this is very correct since the entire world has now been so digitalized owing to increased infrastructures. There is no gain saying the fact that though the internet provides adequate friendly environment for discussion, it has it’s own attendant flaws, for example, impersonation, fabricated information and click baiting are very common in the modern day social platform. Globally, there is an urgent need for the monitoring of the high prevalence of crime in the internet which interests the tipper platform for the task fascinates them. Statement of the Problem In the ancient past, people had to travel long distances to enable them deliver information to their loved ones, office workers and employees needed to do a lot of manual complications before they could make proper documentation, analysis was quite difficult, but during the contemporary era, there was a break th

FLOGMall- Platfrom Marketing Crypto

FLOGmall is an international e-commerce sites are created for users from all over the world, which sell and buy a wide range of products and services with the token. In FLOGmall, one can find shops in the new format, unique-LiveStore. A store that is alive is a collection of video content and blog about the seller, stores, goods and services. Content available that give the opportunity to show you are in LiveStore format. WHY FLOGMALL IS REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WHOLE CRYPTOINDUSTRY? -Lingkaran tidak ditutup Gagasan cryptocurrency sebagai aset moneter yang terpisah, yang tidak dimiliki oleh lembaga keuangan manapun, kuat. Tapi, sayangnya, itu adalah tetap dalam kuncup. Mengapa? Alasan adalah bahwa itu hampir mustahil untuk menghabiskan cryptocurrency dalam bentuk aslinya. Dan sekali lagi: Bank, kantor, meningkat komisi dan pajak yang dikenakan oleh para pencuri untuk konversi dalam mata uang. Anda kehilangan setengah dari uang Anda sendiri. Itu menghancurkan seluruh

VICOIN - Innovative Knowledge-Based Token Making Method

Hallo all, in this new post I will introduce about ViCoin project. and for more details let's just go to the following discussion: Virtonomics is a fundamental paradigm and new platform for creating mainstream mainstream Cryptocurrency, VICoin based on the development of an alternative virtual economic mass. VIRTONOMICS.COM is also called an active and long-standing trust project, Virtonomics is a massive online multiplayer online game that is one of the world's most popular and forward-looking MMO business simulators worldwide Virtonomics client base exceeds 2 million registered users worldwide this and more and more days. Virtonomics reached the top spot in Google search with relevant questions such as online, business simulations and online business games with large organic traffic. Virtonomics are available in English, Russian and Spanish; The German, French and Portuguese versions are in development. Virtonomic machines are widely used by universities in variou