Datarius Crypto Project

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DATARIUS is a decentralized system which involves a blockchain and consists of several smart-contracts in the perimeter of the block chain and its own crypto currency, And the platform is a system product created by a consortium of the most powerful, competent, and experienced logistic companies and organizations all over the world.
Datarius operate on the basis of peer to per (P2P), where transaction participants are private users, and not banking operating institutions. And Datarius project is a new social type cryptobank with transparent conditions, where it become the first financial institution capable of offering its customers a full range of financial services implemented within a decentralized system.
The purpose of these project is to create a cryptobank of peer to peer (P2P) system that would make use of full potential of decentralized financial technology within the framework of cryptocurrency payment system to come reality in a life time. And to enable it work perfect with any human error on transaction, and also and advantages of traditional financial organizations, leaving conducted in automatic mode, while services will be customizable. And anther substantial part of these project is to provide world community with access to major financial instruments in P2P transaction format.
Solution: Customers will be able to conduct transactions from any coner in the world interval of seconds with no limits and no need to wait for a plastic card issue for several weeks. While transaction is on to fasting every transaction to reach every where in the world at the same time interval.
Furthermore, Datarius offers a wide range of tools in investment, credit and currency fields. Fin Tech startups individuals data chain and cannot be changed from outside, with an immediate effect and reliably protects customer’s personal data and records all information or financial fraud when closing a deal. And every account is linked to user’s identity, scammers will not be able to intercept or falsify their data. And these practice was used by traditional banks at dawn of mortgage lending, within dencentralized peer to peer system cost of such products will be lower due to savings on customer service charges.
Finally, Datarius is not limited to operations within cryptocurrency system, by providing gateways for both national banking and electronic payment systems Account holder can pay cryptocurrency for goods and services, pay bill in online stores t support the payment. And every Datarius cryptobank can customize personal cabinet for their request needs. Initially, all users have access to standard simplified model, additional services can be added at any time. As a set of advantages from Datarius project offers. And every payment confirming is a social bank,Datarius integrated Trust Limits system into the credit segment.
Datarius system involves development of an extensive API Network in terms of interface. In the future a full- fl edged hardware complex is planned for creation on Both individuals and businessman can use product and services provided by Datarius. And it can offer to integrated crypto startups and legal entities , seeking to transfer financialtransactions to crypto-space, into its unique system.
Banks and Insurance companies intensively master smart contract technologies, going ahead, dencentralized technologies to perform all “bureaucrack work” without risk of losing or “shadowing” data, and companies founded from there on will become the forefront of there on will become the forefront of the economy.

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