the internet facility is a very good platform for interaction

For most people, the internet facility is a very good platform for interaction, this is very correct since the entire world has now been so digitalized owing to increased infrastructures. There is no gain saying the fact that though the internet provides adequate friendly environment for discussion, it has it’s own attendant flaws, for example, impersonation, fabricated information and click baiting are very common in the modern day social platform. Globally, there is an urgent need for the monitoring of the high prevalence of crime in the internet which interests the tipper platform for the task fascinates them.
Statement of the Problem
In the ancient past, people had to travel long distances to enable them deliver information to their loved ones, office workers and employees needed to do a lot of manual complications before they could make proper documentation, analysis was quite difficult, but during the contemporary era, there was a break through into the communication industry where messages could be sent at no time. This development fascinated the entire world since a lot of tedious activities became simplified.
Now, in the jet age where we belong, peer to peer communication has completely replaced the old pattern which is the ultimate aim of the tipper platform.
Tipper is the ultimate evolution of the patronage model that sets up the right incentives for all, the members and let them all benefit monetarily in a game changing way.
The main aim of the tipper platform is to enable online addicts to fully utilize the time they spend on the social media thereby making them more useful than they think. At least some resources have to be earned by the average online users.Following the interest of the tipper platform in the online usage, people will now have a choice in selecting what they view instead of making them to stick to whatever they see on line. Stimulation of the interest of the participates is another area of interest. Users will be encouraged to be creative.
Again, because of the immense varieties of items on tippers platform, volunteers are very significant in number. Tippers platform are dedicated to the elimination of fraud, impersonation and undue monetization for on line usage.
Why Tippers Platform Grows
The growth rate of the tippers platform is quite significant and the reasons for this development are not farfetched.
a) The very ideas that on line participants will earn some money makes volunteers very high
b) The varieties of items at the disposal of online users makes them even more engrossed.
c) If online users are assured there is zero fraud on the use of social media, they become more at ease while surfing the internet.
Proposed Solution to the Problem on the Use of the Internet
Tipper platform through intense research and findings have come up with innovative ways of improving the already existing social media. It is hoped that the usual monetization model in which advertises paid the content creators through advertising revenue, leaving users out of the monetization equation altogether will be corrected. The participants will be high players. With this in mind, the business is practically lucrative. It brings the users onto a powerful footing through content investing. Following the already formed content investing, a help me, help you relationship is established where the content produced is empowered and funded to make the content they need to gain an audience while the content investor helps to promote that content producer and their posts.
In the event of the research carried out
a) It is obvious that participants have more than 80% confidence on the tippers platform
b) It is very certain that volunteers do not have any regret on the use of the tippers platform.
It is noteworthy that while tippers platform are working out measures to save the interested general public from the lands of hackers, other so called market surveyors are equally doing their best to come up with different patterns to persuade potential volunteers away from us, it is however good to resound it that tippers platform provide an unparalleled way of achieving optimum performance for example the branded tip provides 50% of branded token to members.
Token Distribution
A branded tip is a smart contract which mainly only advertisers can create on the tipper platform. Those tokens contain the advertiser’s insignia and their digital message which is accessed in the users tip inbox. There is no bias in token distribution, instead, users with higher stimulation scores belong to higher branded tip receiving tiers. The higher tier a user belongs to, the more they receive per branded tip.
Similarly, advertisers will also have a stimulation score, the money they tip to tipper users through branded tips, the better rates they will get to add real estate duration. The distribution of the branded tips is such that solo of tokens are redistributed randomly to users who have the task of tipper those branded tipper back out to other users on the platform.
The routine distribution of branded tips serves to further fuel the culture of circulating the wealth through peer-peer tip culture.
Token Sale Information
Another name for tippers platform is openness since all information relating to the contributions of an individual member is published on the account of the owner. This sale information stimulates the participants on more efforts in terms of monetization. The information about token sale include the events, moments, frictional characters and monetization features. The main essence of token sale information is to enable the participants become very frugal, it makes them to avoid spending on frivolities. It enhances the economic initiatives of the participants.
It will interest members (already and potential) to know that these valuable information is sent to them daily, weekly and monthly.
Funds Distribution and Firm Projection
The tippers platform have the habit of publishing the trends in their funds distribution. For instance, nearly 2 billion people watched the 2014 world cup world-wide and it really contributed to the funds distribution in the tippers platform. Unlike bitcoins and etherealnetworks, the tippers platform have large network capacity which promotes peer-peer interaction and thus adequate funds distribution. In funds distribution, number of nodes and number of hop have direct relationship. This means that more nodes suggest more hop and the connections will be increased too. Large nodes and hops does not in any way bring about poor network rather it begets high transaction rate regime.
Following the above network analysis, the firm hopes to:
a) Ensure smoothnessin peer-peer participation despite overcrowded volunteers.
b) Ensure efficient mining.
c) Security of the network amidst crowding.
Road Map
Because, the task ahead of the tippers platform is daunting, they come up with certain workable measures on how to bring about optimum performance for the participants.
a) A formidable team of experts are recruited to form synergy of efforts.
b) Security experts that work on the protection of the internet to avoid the usual crime/fraud in the social media.
c) The cost of usage is projected to be far lower than what other platform offers to their participants.
d) Participants will be allowed to negotiate for whatever they want to pay for since the tipper platform is dynamic in its operation.
e) The utility to the derived by users will have to be optimum.
f) Users will know how to calculate their earnings so that they decide whether to back off or continue to invest.
Please for information visit the website and whitepaper


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